'(2)請(qǐng)使用APIID(查看APIID請(qǐng)登錄用戶(hù)中心->語(yǔ)音通知->帳戶(hù)及簽名設(shè)置->APIID)及 APIkey來(lái)調(diào)用接口;
Response.Charset = "gb2312"
' 'asp UTF轉(zhuǎn)GB2312 將UTF8編碼文字轉(zhuǎn)換為GB編碼文字的asp代碼 function UTF2GB(UTFStr) for Dig=1 to len(UTFStr) '如果UTF8編碼文字以%開(kāi)頭則進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換 if mid(UTFStr,Dig,1)="%" then 'UTF8編碼文字大于8則轉(zhuǎn)換為漢字 if len(UTFStr) >= Dig+8 then GBStr=GBStr & ConvChinese(mid(UTFStr,Dig,9)) Dig=Dig+8 else GBStr=GBStr & mid(UTFStr,Dig,1) end if else GBStr=GBStr & mid(UTFStr,Dig,1) end if next UTF2GB=GBStr end function 'GB2312轉(zhuǎn)UTF8的asp代碼 將GB編碼文字轉(zhuǎn)換為UTF8編碼文字 Function toUTF8(szInput) Dim wch, uch, szRet Dim x Dim nAsc, nAsc2, nAsc3 '如果輸入?yún)?shù)為空,則退出函數(shù) If szInput = "" Then toUTF8 = szInput Exit Function End If '開(kāi)始轉(zhuǎn)換 For x = 1 To Len(szInput) '利用mid函數(shù)分拆GB編碼文字 wch = Mid(szInput, x, 1) '利用ascW函數(shù)返回每一個(gè)GB編碼文字的Unicode字符代碼 '注:asc函數(shù)返回的是ANSI 字符代碼,注意區(qū)別 nAsc = AscW(wch) If nAsc < 0 Then nAsc = nAsc + 65536 If (nAsc And &HFF80) = 0 Then szRet = szRet & wch Else If (nAsc And &HF000) = 0 Then uch = "%" & Hex(((nAsc \ 2 ^ 6)) Or &HC0) & Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80) szRet = szRet & uch Else 'GB編碼文字的Unicode字符代碼在0800 - FFFF之間采用三字節(jié)模版 uch = "%" & Hex((nAsc \ 2 ^ 12) Or &HE0) & "%" & _ Hex((nAsc \ 2 ^ 6) And &H3F Or &H80) & "%" & _ Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80) szRet = szRet & uch End If End If Next toUTF8 = szRet End Function '二進(jìn)制轉(zhuǎn)換為十六進(jìn)制的asp代碼 function c2to16(x) i=1 for i=1 to len(x) step 4 c2to16=c2to16 & hex(c2to10(mid(x,i,4))) next end function '二進(jìn)制轉(zhuǎn)換為十進(jìn)制的asp代碼 function c2to10(x) c2to10=0 if x="0" then exit function i=0 for i= 0 to len(x) -1 if mid(x,len(x)-i,1)="1" then c2to10=c2to10+2^(i) next end function '十六進(jìn)制轉(zhuǎn)換為二進(jìn)制的asp代碼 function c16to2(x) i=0 for i=1 to len(trim(x)) tempstr= c10to2(cint(int("&h" & mid(x,i,1)))) do while len(tempstr)<4 tempstr="0" & tempstr loop c16to2=c16to2 & tempstr next end function function c10to2(x) mysign=sgn(x) x=abs(x) DigS=1 do if x<2^DigS then exit do else DigS=DigS+1 end if loop tempnum=x i=0 for i=DigS to 1 step-1 if tempnum>=2^(i-1) then tempnum=tempnum-2^(i-1) c10to2=c10to2 & "1" else c10to2=c10to2 & "0" end if next if mysign=-1 then c10to2="-" & c10to2 end function 'UTF8編碼文字將轉(zhuǎn)換為漢字 function ConvChinese(x) A=split(mid(x,2),"%") i=0 j=0 for i=0 to ubound(A) A(i)=c16to2(A(i)) next for i=0 to ubound(A)-1 DigS=instr(A(i),"0") Unicode="" for j=1 to DigS-1 if j=1 then A(i)=right(A(i),len(A(i))-DigS) Unicode=Unicode & A(i) else i=i+1 A(i)=right(A(i),len(A(i))-2) Unicode=Unicode & A(i) end if next if len(c2to16(Unicode))=4 then ConvChinese=ConvChinese & chrw(int("&H" & c2to16(Unicode))) else ConvChinese=ConvChinese & chr(int("&H" & c2to16(Unicode))) end if next end function 'GB2312中文轉(zhuǎn)unicode(&#)的asp代碼 將GB編碼文字轉(zhuǎn)換為unicode編碼文字 function chinese2unicode(Str) dim i dim Str_one dim Str_unicode if(isnull(Str)) then exit function end if for i=1 to len(Str) Str_one=Mid(Str,i,1) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(38) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(35) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(120) Str_unicode=Str_unicode& Hex(ascw(Str_one)) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(59) next chinese2unicode=Str_unicode end function 'URL地址編碼解碼函數(shù) Function URLDecode(enStr) dim deStr dim c,i,v deStr="" for i=1 to len(enStr) c=Mid(enStr,i,1) if c="%" then v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)) if v<128 then deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+2 else if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i,3)) then if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i+3,3)) then v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+Mid(enStr,i+4,2)) deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+5 else v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+cstr(hex(asc(Mid(enStr,i+3,1))))) deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+3 end if else destr=destr&c end if end if else if c="+" then deStr=deStr&" " else deStr=deStr&c end if end if next URLDecode=deStr end function '判斷是否為有效的十六進(jìn)制代碼 function isvalidhex(str) dim c isvalidhex=true str=ucase(str) if len(str)<>3 then isvalidhex=false:exit function if left(str,1)<>"%" then isvalidhex=false:exit function c=mid(str,2,1) if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function c=mid(str,3,1) if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function end function Function Post(url,data) dim Https set Https=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "POST",url,false Https.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Https.send data if Https.readystate=4 then dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write Https.responseBody objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = "utf-8" Post = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing set https=nothing end if End Function dim target,post_data,content,mobile mobile = "138xxxxxxxx" '手機(jī)號(hào)碼 target = "" content = "您的訂單號(hào)是:0648。已由順風(fēng)快遞發(fā)出,請(qǐng)注意查收。" post_data = "account=用戶(hù)名&password=密碼&mobile="&mobile&"&content="&content '用戶(hù)名是登錄用戶(hù)中心->語(yǔ)音通知->帳戶(hù)參數(shù)設(shè)置->APIID '查看密碼請(qǐng)登錄用戶(hù)中心->語(yǔ)音通知->帳戶(hù)參數(shù)設(shè)置->APIKEY tempstr = UTF2GB(Post(target,post_data)) 'response.Write(tempstr) 'if instr(tempstr,"提交成功")>0 Then 'response.Write("true") 'else 'response.Write("error") 'end if Dim len1,len2 len1 = instr(1,tempstr,"",1)-1 len2 = instr(1,tempstr,"",1) 'response.Write(len2) code=left(tempstr,len1) code=right(code,(len1-len2-5)) response.Write(code) Dim len3,len4 len3 = instr(1,tempstr,"",1)-1 len4 = instr(1,tempstr,"",1) 'response.Write(len2) msg=left(tempstr,len3) msg=right(msg,(len3-len4-4)) response.Write(msg)